Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Rwanden Genocide
Ok so we have been in a debate in class about the genocide in Rwanda. My country is Belgium and we have a pretty tough role, but we have had very good responses to all the questions asked, but the debate hasn’t really gone our way, but I am confident that we will turn it around. I’m not giving anything away but we’ve got some questions for France, which will be in our “ace in the hole” so to speak. I hope to bring the FAR into this debate, considering they haven’t spoken yet and they had a pretty big role in this. So I’m hoping that my country and I can turn the debate around and start to point fingers at some of the other parties.
Friday, November 6, 2009

The American Scholar
Danny Brumar
Emerson’s argument still holds true in today’s society.
The main reason Emerson’s argument is still true, is because when people in the U.S lose their jobs, they are not being able to do anything else, because they don’t know how to do anything else. In the American Scholar, Emerson talks about people doing only one thing, like being a farmer, mechanic etc. But he says that in order to be truly happy, and be Man Thinking or American Scholar, to which he refers to, you need to know how to do more than one thing, and focus on more than one sole purpose, which he says, is money. Imagine you are working in a factory that you have worked in since you were out of high school. You never went to college but you’re making pretty good money. One day the factory announces that there are budget cuts, and next thing you know, you are out of a job. You don’t know how to do anything else, because you’ve been working in the factory all of your life. This is the reality for many Detroiters in today’s economy. They have worked in Ford, Chrysler, or GM factories on the line for almost there whole life, and when the economy turned bad, they were out of a job.
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Barack Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize
Last week President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. What for is the question a lot of people have been asking for the past couple days including myself.
When I heard the news that President Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize, I was kind of shocked. Myself being a Democrat, voted for Obama in the 2008 election, but my support for him quickly dropped, especially after the closing of Guantamino Bay in January. President Obama apparently won the Peace Prize for his so called “foreign relations” I personally think that this was a pretty dumb excuse considering the fact he is in charge of a country that is fighting two wars and has weapons of mass destruction.
To me, he got the prize for two reasons. Reason one, race. Now I am definitely not racist and I’m not trying to sound racist here, but the reason he won the prize, and possibly even his presidency, was because of his race. I mean I can almost guarantee that half of the percent of people who voted for him, was because he is African-American. I mean you had people who probably never watched any debates of his, or didn’t even know what he stood for voting for him. Why? Because of his race. Yes other African-American people have won the Nobel Peace prize, but much like here in America, every one made a huge deal about Obama being the first African-American president in other countries, and they did all around the world. I’m pretty sure that if Obama wasn’t African-American, people would have realized that he wasn’t this hero he was built up to be. If an Arab-American was president of say Turkey, people there would say wow, he’s different, and suddenly he would be this huge hero. Basically, what I’m saying here, is that President Obama won the prize because he is the first African American president of the U.S, and people symphonized in a sense, for him, because he was built up to be this big huge hero, when the reality of it is, he’s really not. The second reason, some people think he won the prize, was because it was sort of a slap in the face, so to speak, to President Bush, because he tried to reach out to other countries, and he fell flat on his face.
I personally think race was the deciding factor of why President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Friday, October 9, 2009

Football is my all time favorite sport. I play it and watch it every Saturday, and Sunday and Monday and I play it for my school. Football is an awesome sport. My favorite about watching football would definitely be to be seeing the big plays, weather its Terrence Newman catching a one handed interception, DeMarcus Ware laying out a running back coming through the hole, Marion Barber making the strong safety look weak by running them over, or Tony Romo completing the game winning catch to Roy Williams in the end zone.
I don’t also love to watch football, but I also love to play it. My coach says it isn’t for everybody, but I love it. I play for Stevenson High School’s freshman team, and we aren’t doing so well. We are winless and we don’t seem to be doing any better. I play split end, and if you don’t know what that is, it’s where you line up split to the left or the right, and go out on a pass or block the corner. The reason I love playing football so much is the way it makes you feel when you make a big play like juking out the corner, making a block that lays someone on there back, or hitting the ball carrier so hard he never wants to play football again. I don’t know what it is about all those things but they just make you feel amazing inside. Even though all of those things are great, there are some not so great things about football, like missing a blocking assignment, or dropping a pass, and the worst thing about football, is the conditioning. We run so much its insane. I’m talking a couple miles per practice, that’s how bad it can get. So like my coach said, playing football isn’t for everybody, but I sure do love it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009

The First 24
By: Danny Brumar
Ok so my first day of high school didn’t exactly go as planned but in the end, it turned out to be a pretty good day.
As I came into school I walked to my locker and dropped off my bag. I turned around to go to my class and there were so many people wedged into the hallway President Obama could’ve been giving his speech right there in the middle of C hall. I fought through the massive crowed and headed for my first hour class-AFJROTC-which is in the South Cafeteria. When I got to the cafeteria I walked in and headed toward the room with the sign marked TDR. I walked into the room and no one was there. Thought immediately started racing through my mind like it was the start of the Indy 500. “What if there was a schedule mix up? What if I’m in the wrong class?” all of these thoughts raced through my mind as I walked out of the cafeteria. I walked into the main lobby and looked around. I was surrounded by upper class men, and I figured I must have looked pretty stupid, just standing there looking around.
I stood there for about a minute, and then I saw a man, with a short, clean haircut, a sky blue shirt, navy blue pants, and shiny black shoes that you could see your reflection in. He walked into the cafeteria and, without a second thought I followed him. I mean what would a guy be doing in a uniform like that in a high school besides teaching some sort of military class. As I followed him through the door, the upper class men were still sitting at the round tables, talking loudly. He walked into the TDR room and I followed. When I got in to the room he was turning on his computer, and when he turned around he walked over to me and we shook hands. “Sergeant Howard” He said,” But you can call me Sarg”
“Danny Brumar” I said. As I introduced my self, another kid walked in, and he introduced himself. As he did this a small group of kids walked in, and I figured they were freshman, considering there faces were as white as ghosts. Sarg told us to sit down, and as we were doing so, more kids walked in. I figured these were upper class men, just by the simple fact that they walked up and said “Hi Sarg, good to be back” they took there seats and Sarg immediately started talking.
He talked for about the rest of the class and as he was doing this, the older kids were joking around and it lighted the mood a lot. Sarg was ok with it, considering the fact he was laughing with us. In those 24 minutes, my whole attitude changed, from being incredibly scared, to happy and relaxed.
So like I said, it didn’t start out as planed, but in the end it turned out all right.

A is for athletic. I am very athletic and I love to play sports. Football and lacrosse are my favorite sports.
B is for basketball. It is one of my favorite sports to follow. My favorite team is the Los Angeles Lakers.
C is for college sports. I follow this all the time and my favorite college football team and lacrosse team is the Michigan Wolverines and my favorite college basketball team is the North Carolina Tar Heels.
D is for Disturbed, my favorite alternative band. My favorite songs by them are Inside the Fire, Indestructible, and The Night.
E is for
F is for football. This is my favorite sport. I play it and watch it all the time. I play split end for Stevenson and my favorite team in the NFL is the Dallas Cowboys. My favorite players are Jason Whitten and Marion Barber.
G is for Guns n Roses, my favorite metal/classic rock band. My favorite songs by them are Welcome to the Jungle, Paradise City, and Knocking on Heavens Door.
H is for hockey. I love watching NHL hockey, especially during the playoffs. My favorite team is the Detroit Red Wings. My favorite player is Dan Cleary and Henrick Zetterburg. H is also for hunting. I hunt deer with my uncle and my grandpa.
I is for
J is for
K is for KISS, my favorite metal bands. My favorite songs by them are Detroit Rock City and Strutter
L is for lacrosse. It is one of my favorite sports to play. I play goalie and midfielder. I like playing goalie more because it’s much more fun, because you pretty much get to decide how the game goes. The thing I don’t like about it is how you wear a little bit of padding on the top part of your body, and none on your legs, and it can be incredibly painful if you get hit in the legs with no padding there.
M is for music. I love music, and my favorite kinds of music are metal, punk, classic rock, and alternative rock.
N is for
O is for The Offspring, they are my favorite punk band. My favorite songs by them are Hammerhead, Stuff Is Messed Up, and Pretty Fly
P is for
Q is for
R is for
S is for
T is for T.V. I love watching T.V. My favorite shows are Family Guy, South Park,
U is for
V is for
W is for Wolverine, the best super hero ever
X is for
Y is for
Z is for
Friday, September 18, 2009

So far, high school has gone a lot better than middle school has. There are more sports teams and the teachers are better and the classes are more fun. My schedule is AFJROTC with Colonel and Sarg, then math with Mrs. Maier, history with Mrs. Bergeski, language arts with Mr. Fielder, science with Mrs. Sebok, and then Spanish with Senora O’Brien. My favorite class so far has been AFJROTC because it is very easy, I have made a lot of friends in that class, and it is really fun and Kernel and Sarg are hilarious. My least favorite class would probably be math. It’s not that I don’t like the teacher or anything, it’s just I don’t like math in general. I play football after school and I play split end. So far, the season hasn’t gone so well. We are 0 and 4 and last night we got crushed by South Lyon 46 to 0.
I think that the best thing about high school so far has been how I’ve made so many new friends. I went to Emerson last year for middle school so I didn’t really know anybody this year but a couple people, but I’ve made a lot of new friends and I really like that. I also like going to the varsity football games and other activities like that. I have also really been enjoying Global Ed, just because of the fact that I have made a small group of friends within the class. I think the worst thing about high school, is there is more homework and things like that. The homework isn’t too bad it’s just I had a lot less in middle school.
Like I said, high school has been pretty good so far. It’s been fun so far and I’m looking forward to spending my next four years here.
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