Football is my all time favorite sport. I play it and watch it every Saturday, and Sunday and Monday and I play it for my school. Football is an awesome sport. My favorite about watching football would definitely be to be seeing the big plays, weather its Terrence Newman catching a one handed interception, DeMarcus Ware laying out a running back coming through the hole, Marion Barber making the strong safety look weak by running them over, or Tony Romo completing the game winning catch to Roy Williams in the end zone.
I don’t also love to watch football, but I also love to play it. My coach says it isn’t for everybody, but I love it. I play for Stevenson High School’s freshman team, and we aren’t doing so well. We are winless and we don’t seem to be doing any better. I play split end, and if you don’t know what that is, it’s where you line up split to the left or the right, and go out on a pass or block the corner. The reason I love playing football so much is the way it makes you feel when you make a big play like juking out the corner, making a block that lays someone on there back, or hitting the ball carrier so hard he never wants to play football again. I don’t know what it is about all those things but they just make you feel amazing inside. Even though all of those things are great, there are some not so great things about football, like missing a blocking assignment, or dropping a pass, and the worst thing about football, is the conditioning. We run so much its insane. I’m talking a couple miles per practice, that’s how bad it can get. So like my coach said, playing football isn’t for everybody, but I sure do love it.
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